About Us

Interested in learning more
about Awaken Church?
Awaken Irving
4401 N. Highway 161
Irving, Texas 75038
9:30a & 11a CT
7p CT
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Live in the love of the Father
Walk in the way of the Son
Demonstrate the power of the Holy Spirit

Our Values

  • 1. Grace
Grace isn't a bunch of rules for us to keep. Grace is a Person living His life through us. It's the adventure of life shared with Christ. (Gal. 2:20)
  • 2. Vision
God is big, so we dream big. We will never insult God with small thinking & safe living.  (Is. 55:8-9; Eph. 3:20)
  • 3. Local Church
We will invest our lives to build the local church. The church is a big deal to God & a big deal to us.  (Matt. 16-18; Heb. 10:24-25; 1 Cor. 12:19)
  • 4. Diversity
Diversity is not a reality we tolerate, but a gift we celebrate. (Gal. 3:28)
  • 5. Generosity
We will lead the way with irrational generosity. We truly believe it is more blessed to give than receive. (2 Cor. 9:7-8)
  • 6. Belonging
The church isn't a building; it's a community. We will find our significance through our relationships. (Acts 2:42-47)
  • 7. Fun
We will enjoy the journey; laugh hard, loud & often. (Ps. 126:1-3)
  • 8. Multi-Locational
We will live for the bigger picture, taking action in communities of faith, locally & globally. (Matt. 28:19)
  • 9. Excellence
We will reject complacency + always bring our best, honoring God & inspiring people. (2 Sam. 24:24)
  • 10. Creative
If we are going to live out our mission, we must unleash the creative potential God has placed in us. (Rom. 12:6)

Our Model

Through weekend & weekday locations the gospel is preached & taught live by a campus or city pastor covering the same content churchwide.

Meet Our Lead Pastors

Ben & Kim Dailey are the founding pastors of Awaken Church, where their passion for the Gospel & dedication to the New Covenant message shape a thriving, diverse community. High school sweethearts who began their ministry journey together, they lead with creativity & an unconventional approach that fosters authentic heart transformation.

Ben is a gifted author, with books including Collide: When Your Desires Meet God’s Heart, Limitless: The Life You Were Meant to Live, Captured by Grace: Be Freed From Fear So You Can Really Live & the latest, Enough: Living a Life Free from Performance. He also serves as a church planter & ministry consultant, helping others embrace the fullness of God’s grace.

Together, Ben & Kim oversee the growth of Awaken Church, nurturing a vibrant congregation. Their legacy of faith & service continues through their children—Kyla, married to Marcelino, & Kade, married to Jada—who are also actively involved in ministry at Awaken Church.

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